Our Mission

Save Your Time with AI Summaries

TLDW (Too Long Didn't Watch) uses advanced AI to quickly summarize YouTube videos and webpages into concise key points, saving you time and enhancing your browsing experience. Whether you need to summarize YouTube content or articles, TLDW is here to help.

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What we do

Summarizing YouTube videos and webpages instantly with AI, saving you time and enhancing your online experience.

Efficient Summarization

TLDW quickly summarizes YouTube videos and webpages, delivering concise key points so you can focus on the most important information. Whether it's a long YouTube video or a detailed article, you'll get the essential insights in no time.

Interactive Features

Ask questions to get detailed insights on specific points of the video or article, enhancing your understanding and learning experience.

"I used to watch many of my YouTube videos at 1.5x speed or by skipping chapters. Today, society leans towards quick consumption. I developed this for my personal needs. If I needed it, I thought you might too."

Enzo Chevallier, Founder of TLDW

The Numbers


The number of free videos and web pages you can summarize per day.


Costs less than a beer and will save you a lot of time (more than a beer).


Videos and webpages summarized so far... But we don't store your data, so we don't know!

Affordable Pricing

Access all features for one simple price


Enjoy unlimited video and webpages summaries, key point extractions, and question-based insights for an unbeatable price. Our AI-powered service is both cost-effective and efficient.

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